a proactive approach to CWD prevention

  • Use Your Normal Feed

    Whether it's corn, soybeans, sugar beats or something else - Feed as you normally would, but treat your feed with our recommended amount of humic acid.

  • Add Humic Acid

    The Humic Acid will work to break down any infectious prions that may exist in your feed, eliminating their danger to deer.

  • Keep a Healthy Herd

    The biggest risk area for CWD spread is at feeding sites. By ensuring your feed isn't affected, this risk zone is eliminated.

How It Works

The Science

Chronic Wasting Disease is a prion disease. It's transmitted to animals through contact with infected prions in the environment.

CWD can be transmitted via direct contact with infected prions in other infected deer, or by contact with contaminated soil, water, bedding area, or cover. But most of all, deer come into contact with infected prions in their feed.

Humic acid works to break down those infected prions, drastically reducing and eliminating their infectivity.

corn feeder

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The Quick Hitters

What kind of feed can I add this to?

Almost anything. It's obviously a little bit easier to mix it in with feed that's more granular like corn, soybeans, feed pellets, etc. But you can also apply it to apples, carrots, sugar beats, cabbage, alfalfa, or whatever else you're feeding with.

What's the right amount to add?

It depends on the type of feed you're using, but we recommend one pound of humic acid per 100 pounds of feed. We also made this handy chart so you can reference what that means for the feed you choose.

Can I add too much humic acid to my deer feed?

No. There's no harmful effects of overdoing it. We do recommend that you follow our guidelines on ratio, but if it's not scientifically exact, don't sweat it.

What about humic acid on food plots?

Good question. This is definitely beneficial, but most of our food plot customers prefer to buy in bulk for mass application. If you're interested, fill out our contact form and we'll be in touch.

Who should use this product?

Anyone who feeds deer and wants to join us in the fight against CWD.

Whether you enjoy feeding deer in the backyard as a hobby, or you're trying to develop habitat and manage a healthy deer population, using humic acid can help keep deer healthy.

Where is the science to support this?

More is becoming available every day. And we're involved not only in consuming the latest research but being a part of crafting and conducting additional research. You can read more on the science behind humic acid here.